
Why CNAPP Matters – Elevating Cloud Security to New Heights


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Introduction to Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)

In today’s rapidly evolving cloud landscape, securing applications has become more complex and critical than ever before. Enter Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP), an innovative solution that represents the consolidation and evolution of multiple cloud security technologies including container scanning, cloud security posture management, infrastructure as code scanning, cloud infrastructure entitlement management, runtime cloud workload protection and runtime vulnerability/configuration scanning. According to Gartner, CNAPP is designed to provide comprehensive protection for cloud-native applications by integrating various security capabilities into a unified platform.

CNAPP embodies the convergence of DevOps and DevSecOps practices, enabling seamless collaboration between development, security, and operations teams. This integration is crucial in today’s fast-paced development environments, where security needs to be embedded into the entire application lifecycle from inception to deployment and beyond.

By leveraging CNAPP, organizations can achieve enhanced visibility, consistent security policies, and automated remediation across their cloud-native applications. This holistic approach not only simplifies the management of cloud security but also ensures that applications are protected against a wide range of threats, thereby facilitating innovation and maintaining trust in the digital age.

By 2026, 80% of enterprises will have consolidated security tooling for the life cycle protection of cloud-native applications to three or fewer vendors, down from an average of 10 in 2022. – Gartner

gartner detailed view
CNAPP Detailed View By Gartner

How CNAPP Solves Key Challenges

The adoption of cloud technologies has revolutionized how organizations operate, offering unprecedented flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. However, this shift has also introduced new security risks and challenges. Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPPs) have emerged as a solution to these issues, providing comprehensive security coverage for modern cloud environments. 

  1. Lack of Visibility: The dynamic and distributed nature of cloud environments can create visibility gaps and blind spots, making it difficult for organizations to monitor and secure their cloud assets effectively. Traditional security tools may not be equipped to handle the complexity of multi-cloud and hybrid environments, leading to incomplete visibility and unmanaged risks.
  2. Siloed Security Tools: In many organizations, security tools are siloed, each focusing on a specific aspect of cloud security, such as network security, application security, or compliance. This fragmentation can lead to operational inefficiencies, increased complexity, and difficulty in achieving a cohesive security posture.
  3. Alert Overload: Cloud environments generate high-security alerts, many of which can be false positives or low-priority issues. This can lead to alert fatigue, where security teams become overwhelmed by the sheer number of alerts, potentially causing them to miss critical threats or become desensitised to security warnings.
  4. Security-DevOps Disconnect: The traditional separation between security teams and development teams can create gaps in security practices. Developers may not always be aware of or adhere to security best practices, leading to vulnerabilities in code and application design. Conversely, security teams may lack visibility into the development process, hindering their ability to enforce security policies effectively.

According to ESG, almost half (48%) of those surveyed regularly push code with known vulnerabilities to production and nearly one-third (31%) do so occasionally. Consequently, 97% experienced a cybersecurity incident in the previous year related to internally developed applications.


Benefits of CNAPP

  1. Enhanced Visibility: CNAPP provides a unified view across your entire cloud infrastructure, eliminating blind spots and giving you a clear understanding of your security posture. This includes workloads, containers, configurations, and data, giving you a holistic view of potential security risks.
  2. Streamlined Operations: By consolidating functionalities like CWPP, CSPM, and KSPM into a single platform, CNAPP simplifies security operations. This reduces the need to manage multiple tools and frees up security teams to focus on more strategic tasks. Gartner talks about this approach to security in the CNAPP Market Guide 2023.
  3. Prioritized Threat Detection: CNAPP utilizes advanced analytics to correlate data from various sources and prioritize alerts based on severity and risk. This eliminates “alert fatigue” and allows security teams to focus on the most critical threats first.
  4. Improved DevSecOps Collaboration: CNAPP integrates with DevOps workflows, enabling developers to identify and fix security issues early in the development lifecycle. This fosters collaboration between security and development teams and promotes a “shift left” security approach, where security is prioritized from the beginning.
  5. Reduced Complexity: CNAPP eliminates the need for multiple-point solutions, reducing overall complexity and cost. This simplifies security management and improves the overall efficiency of your security posture.
  6. Automated Workflows: CNAPP can automate various security tasks, such as vulnerability scanning and configuration management. This frees up security teams from manual work and allows them to focus on more strategic initiatives.
  7. Faster Threat Response: With improved visibility and prioritized alerts, CNAPP enables faster and more efficient responses to security threats. This minimizes potential damage and helps maintain the integrity of your cloud environment.

How CNAPP Works

  1. Achieving complete visibility in the cloud environments:

Achieving complete visibility is critical for understanding and securing cloud environments. CNAPPs provide centralized monitoring and comprehensive insights into all aspects of the cloud infrastructure.

  • Automated Discovery: CNAPPs automatically discover all cloud assets, including virtual machines, containers, serverless functions, storage, and network configurations. This ensures that no asset is left unmonitored.
  • Unified Dashboards: CNAPPs offer centralized dashboards that consolidate data from various sources, providing a single pane of glass for security teams to view and manage the security posture of the entire cloud environment.
  • Continuous Monitoring: They continuously monitor cloud environments for changes, capturing real-time data and updating the status of assets and configurations. This helps in identifying and responding to potential security issues promptly.
  • Integration with Cloud Providers: CNAPPs integrate with major cloud service providers (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) via APIs, enabling seamless access to cloud resources and configurations.
  1. Unifying cloud security solutions:

Traditional cloud security often involves using multiple, independent tools that can lead to fragmented security practices. CNAPPs unify these solutions into a cohesive platform.

  • Integrated Security Functions: CNAPPs combine multiple security capabilities, such as vulnerability management, compliance monitoring, threat detection, and runtime protection, into a single platform. This reduces the need for disparate tools and simplifies security operations.
  • Consolidated Policies: They allow for the creation and enforcement of security policies across different cloud environments and services, ensuring consistent security practices and reducing the complexity of managing multiple security tools.
  • Cross-Tool Coordination: By integrating various security tools and functions, CNAPPs enable better coordination and communication between different security measures, enhancing overall effectiveness.
  1. Contextual insights to help prioritize risks:

Prioritizing risks based on their context is crucial for efficient incident response and resource allocation. CNAPPs provide contextual insights to help prioritize risks effectively.

  • Contextual Analysis: CNAPPs analyze data from various sources, including configuration settings, network traffic, user behaviour, and vulnerability scans, to provide context for identified risks.
  • Risk Scoring: They assign risk scores to vulnerabilities and threats based on their potential impact and exploitability, helping security teams focus on the most critical issues.
  • Actionable Insights: CNAPPs provide detailed insights and recommendations for remediation, enabling security teams to take targeted actions to mitigate risks.
  • Correlation of Events: By correlating events and data across the cloud environment, CNAPPs can identify patterns and connections that may indicate more significant security issues, providing a deeper understanding of potential threats.
  1. Bridging the gap between development and security teams:

Bridging the gap between development and security teams is essential for integrating security into the software development lifecycle (DevSecOps). CNAPPs facilitate this integration.

  • Integration with CI/CD Pipelines: CNAPPs integrate with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, allowing security checks to be embedded into the development process. This ensures that security is considered at every stage of application development.
  • Real-Time Feedback: They provide developers with real-time feedback on security issues during the coding and deployment phases. This helps developers identify and fix vulnerabilities early in the development cycle.
  • Security as Code: CNAPPs support the concept of “security as code,” where security policies and configurations are defined and managed as part of the codebase. This approach promotes collaboration and ensures that security is an integral part of the development process.
  • Collaboration Tools: CNAPPs often include collaboration tools and dashboards that are accessible to both development and security teams, facilitating better communication and coordination.

“There is synergy in combining CWPP and CSPM capabilities, and multiple vendors are pursuing this strategy. The combination will create a new category of Cloud-Native Application Protection (CNAPs) that scan workloads and configurations in development and protect workloads and configurations at runtime.” – Gartner, Market Guide for Cloud Workload Protection Platforms

CNAPP Features: Comprehensive Security Integration

  • Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM): CSPM is crucial for monitoring cloud configurations, ensuring compliance, and automating remediation of security risks. It focuses on identifying misconfigurations and compliance violations while ensuring adherence to industry standards and offering automated workflows for issue resolution.
  • Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP): Secure various cloud workloads, including virtual machines and containers. They provide vulnerability scanning, runtime protection, and consistent application of security policies across cloud workloads, leveraging behavioural analysis to detect threats.
  • Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM): CIEM is to manage access policies and identities in the cloud. It emphasizes access control, identity governance, and compliance with policies, aiming to mitigate risks by enforcing least privilege access.
  • Data Security Posture Management (DSPM): This focuses on data security within cloud environments, including discovery, encryption, and access control, as well as preventing data loss and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Cloud Detection and Response (CDR): It offers advanced threat detection and automated response capabilities tailored for the cloud. It relies on behavioural analysis, threat intelligence, and real-time monitoring to identify and mitigate threats, enhancing incident management processes.

Future of CNAPP

Gartner’s perspective on the future of Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) highlights a growing trend toward integrating multiple cloud security capabilities into a single cohesive platform. This approach is driven by several key factors:

  1. Consolidation of Security Tools: Organizations are increasingly moving away from using disparate security tools to a more unified approach. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 60% of enterprises will have consolidated their Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) and Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) capabilities under a single vendor, up from 25% in 2022 (aquasec) (paloaltonetworks).
  2. DevSecOps Integration: CNAPPs align well with the DevSecOps movement, which integrates security into every stage of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). This integration helps development, operations, and security teams collaborate more effectively, ensuring that security is addressed from the beginning of the development process (aquasec) (paloaltonetworks).
  3. Comprehensive Protection: CNAPPs provide comprehensive protection by securing cloud-native applications across their entire lifecycle. This includes artifact and exposure scanning of code, cloud infrastructure configuration, runtime protection, and more. This holistic approach is essential for keeping up with the speed and scale of modern cloud-native environments (paloaltonetworks).
  4. Ease of Use and Efficiency: One of the significant benefits of CNAPPs is the ease of use. This consolidated approach to security simplifies operations and enhances the effectiveness of security measures. 

Cy5’s Approach to CNAPP

Cy5’s approach to Cloud Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) emphasizes comprehensive security for cloud-native applications throughout their lifecycle. Here’s an overview of their key strategies and components:

  1. Unified View: Cy5 provides a single pane of glass for monitoring and managing security across various cloud environments. This unified view helps in identifying vulnerabilities and potential threats across the entire infrastructure.
  2. Continuous Monitoring: Implementing continuous monitoring to detect anomalies, unauthorized access, and other security issues in real time. This includes monitoring cloud workloads, containers, serverless functions, and Kubernetes environments.
  3. Integration: Cy5 integrates various independent security tools and solutions into a cohesive platform. This integration simplifies security management and reduces the complexity associated with using multiple standalone tools.
  4. Automation: Leveraging automation to streamline security operations, reduce manual intervention, and enhance response times. This includes automated threat detection, incident response, and compliance reporting.
  5. Risk Assessment: Cy5 employs advanced risk assessment techniques to prioritize security issues based on their potential impact. This involves evaluating the severity of vulnerabilities and the likelihood of exploitation.
  6. Contextual Analysis: Providing context-aware insights to help security teams understand the broader implications of threats. This includes correlating data from various sources to provide a holistic view of the security landscape.
  7. Compliance Management: Ensuring that cloud environments comply with industry standards and regulations through continuous compliance monitoring and reporting.
  8. Threat Detection: Using advanced analytics to detect threats and anomalies in real time.

Cy5’s approach to CNAPP aims to provide end-to-end security for cloud-native applications, ensuring that organizations can operate securely in dynamic and complex cloud environments. By focusing on visibility, integration, risk prioritization, and collaboration. – Schedule a meeting.